Are you looking to lead your story, master the inner-game and rise into your highest potential? Then take a seat in The Yellow Chair and deep dive with X as he breaks down the stories that drive our lives. From performance and phycology to finding your purpose, passion, and getting paid. Because as X says, there's always a STORY for that. A story that we must embrace believe, and powerfully communicate to ourselves and the world.

Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
#2: Three Steps To Becoming Mentally Tough
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
💪🏾 Want more mental toughness and grit to build your business and life? Well, stop trying to be mentally tough and instead BECOME a mentally tough person. Take a seat in The Yellow Chair, and learn the three steps to becoming a mentally tough person.
🎙 Time to get storified in The Yellow Chair: Episode #002: Three Steps To Becoming Mentally Tough
#YellowChair #story #leadyourstory #hasanix #mentallyTough #mentalToughness #grit

Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
#1: Don't Beat Up & Bully Yourself -- Negotiate, Connect, & Collaborate!
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
The biggest bully you will ever meet is yourself. And the reason is simple! You know the best stories to beat up and bully yourself into submission. And while this definitely works in the short term there's a BIG cost to pay as it devastates your capacity to tap into potential and experience happiness and fulfillment.
In today's Yellow Chair Podcast, we tear down the story that has us continually beating up and bullying ourselves. And replace it with a story that allows us to negotiate, connect and collaborate with ourselves.
🎙 Time to get storified in The Yellow Chair: Episode #001: Don't Beat Up & Bully Yourself -- Instead, Negotiate, Connect, & Collaborate With Yourself
#YellowChair #story #leadyourstory #hasanix #bullying #negotiations #collaboration

Tuesday Feb 09, 2021